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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Take 2.0

Hello again. 

I intend to keep the ramblings to a minimal in this blog entry. I know the last one was fairly lengthy. I hope these words find each and every one of you doing well, but if that is not the case, count yourself as blessed. God pushes us to the limit in order to have us surrender 100% of ourself to Him. Believing in Christ, and Christ being Lord of our lives are 2 different things. We most desperately need to let go of our own idols and run uninterrupted to the One who can and does sustain our souls!

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
These are very precious words. The last words Christ said to us while He was upon the earth, the last thing that He charges us with. This verse often referred to as the Great Commission, is a beautiful thing. Christ commands us to GO and make disciples of all the nations, then He describes exactly what that entails, teaching, baptizing, observing all the commandments of Christ. When Paul speaks of running our race and finishing the race, the Great Commission has to be considered as a crucial part of the race. As believers we live to radiate the glory of God. Obeying this commandment of Christ is showing the glorify of God. We can not shrink from this responsibility, that is not an option. 

This is my thought for this blog, that no matter where you are right now...this charge that Christ has placed before us is still active. We have been given a unique skill set and "fruit" as Paul refers to in Romans 1 that we have in order to encourage and push fellow believers. I apply this to the Great Commission in this way. Where you and I have been placed in our life right now is not an afterthought to God, it has been designed this way. You and I have a unique opportunity every day that God gives us on earth to proclaim the glory of Christ, and on top of that...God has given us all that we need for today, to do this. Let's be people who make much of Christ, not much of ourself. Be consumed in the love of God, and when we understand the depth and breadth of God's love and mercy for us, we can then truly love those around us. To truly love someone, we desire what is best for them...and what is best for them, is proclaiming the gospel of Christ not just in word, but in our daily lives. God is worthy, He is exclusively worthy of our praise and worship.

"Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" Matt.6:26

Peace out... 

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